Stayin’ Alive: 2024 Public Meeting

Chorlton Community Land Trust held a community meeting at the Edge Theatre on 29th May to share news on about our campaign to bring the Chorlton Co-op Picture House in Chorlton back to life. We had 70+ attendees and we have 300 members plus ~1000 people who have pledged financial support to the project. The […]
Swinging Back Into Action!

After a long period of behind-the-scenes discussions and planning, we are pleased to announce that we are on the verge of securing a deal to save the Picture House (formerly Co-op Funeralcare) in the heart of Chorlton. We have agreed an outline plan with Southway Housing Trust alongside our development partner Brook Finch Farmer, and […]
Work to Secure the Picture House Continues
The CLT Board remain strongly committed to its plans to secure the Picture House (formerly Coop funeral care), and work with a developer to create a food and market hall. We are keen to save the building as an anchor destination at the heart of our district centre. The Board believe that alongside the precinct, […]
The Picture House is still Stayin’ Alive

In March, we learnt that the Co-op had agreed an outline deal with Southway Housing to acquire the Picture House site. Since then, the CLT has been talking to Southway to make the case for our vision to revitalise the Chorlton High Street by retaining the Picture House building for commercial use with a community […]
Disappointing News

Picture House: Disappointing News, But Resolve To Work Together The news has just come out that the Co-op has sold the Funeral Care/ Picture House site to Southway Housing Trust. The Co-op has decided to reject our long-standing offer which would have seen the community retain the main building. The story is set out in […]
Picture House Imminent Update?
A lot of people have been asking us for news on the Picture House project. We just wanted to say to everyone that we are still working on it and there are some recent developments that we are currently exploring. When we have got a clearer picture of where things stand and the way ahead, […]
The Picture House project is still alive!

We have now submitted a formal offer to the Co-op alongside our development partner Brook Finch and are awaiting a response. It is taking time, but there are ongoing discussions and things are moving forward.
Picture House plans on a ‘knife-edge’

At the beginning of the year, we reported a number of positive developments on our plans for the Co-operative Funeralcare site, which we are referring to as The Picture House. In particular, our constructive discussion with the planning team at Manchester City Council who were broadly supportive of our scheme, recognising that it retains the […]
Key Findings from the Chorlton Picture House Social Value Consultation
In February 2020 members of the CLT were invited to a consultation workshop to discuss the benefits they would like to see from the Picture House project. Their contributions were grouped within 4 themes – ‘Strength of community’, ‘Health and wellbeing’, ‘The building and the environment’ and ‘Jobs and the local economy’. This enabled a […]
Refreshed proposal for Stayin’ Alive

Refreshed proposal for Stayin’ Alive scheme under consideration by Co-operative Group Updated: Aug 21, 2020 We hope you are keeping well, especially in light of the recently announced lockdown restrictions in Greater Manchester. We are conscious that we have not provided an update on the Stayin’ Alive project (although we’re now referring to the scheme as […]