The evidence below is based on the two wards of Chorlton and Chorlton Park and draws from a range of different sources. Unless data is provided for both wards separately, the name “Chorlton” is used to cover both wards.
Chorlton is home to a lot of people in the 21-60 age range with a particularly high number of people aged 31 -40, compared to national and Manchester figures. Chorlton has fewer young people (under 20) than the rest of Manchester and GB and fewer older people (over 60) than the national picture.

Going back to the last Census (the next one should be published in the next couple of years), both wards have very high levels of highly qualified people living locally, compared to both Manchester and the rest of the country. Over half the adult working age population (16-64) has a degree or equivalent, far above the national average at the time of just under 30%. On the other hand although the area has fewer people with No Qualifications than the national and Manchester picture, there are significant numbers (nearly 2,000 people) with No Qualifications living locally.
Chorlton is ethnically mixed although it has a higher proportion of white residents than the whole of Manchester.