The Chorlton Community Land Trust (CCLT) was formed in response to concerns that Manchester Metropolitan University’s (MMU’s) intention to sell the land at Ryebank Fields would result in a development of executive homes that would do little to meet the needs and aspirations of local people.
The CLT’s position is that it is better to influence development proposals as early as possible, rather than leave it until when land is sold or being sold to a developer and an application is being made for planning permission.
At the early stages the CLT developed an alternative vision for Ryebank Field as illustrated in the diagram. This has been developed further through an Expectations and Aspirations document, most recently updated in April 2021, which was produced following a members’ survey and further refined through member involvement in working groups. The survey in October 2020 of 97 members indicated that 56% of respondents wanted the CLT to work with MMU and its preferred developer to influence a development that exceeds the Development Framework guidance, 15% to influence a development that meets the Development Framework guidance, 20% did not want us to get involved in the process and 9% had no preference.
The Development Framework, which was revised following MMU/Council consultation is a key document as it sets out the City Council’s parameters within which a developer would be expected to work in order for them to grant planning permission. Key requirements include:
- requiring a development partner to engage with local residents by working with a community housing group to develop all or part of the site.
- that any development must be a comprehensive housing development that could meet a range of requirements, of different tenures, sizes and values, including affordable housing.
- that the development meets high levels of environmental sustainability making a contribution to Manchester’s ambitions to be a zero-carbon city by 2038.
- providing a significant amount of public open space, enhancing the relationship with Longford Park, and enhancing and improving the key environmental features of the site
- making a positive contribution to some of the traffic and transport challenges that the surrounding area currently faces
- that in appointing a development partner there is extensive engagement with the local community leading to the submission of a site wide master plan and planning application.
CCLT is seeking every opportunity to have a say in the process to press for a development that meets the demands of the Expectations and Aspirations document.
Read the latest updates on the project in our News area.
Last updated April 2021