Our vision is that local people will be in full control of the design and development of their homes, and the long-term stewardship of the places where they live.
We aim to
- provide a variety of housing types and tenures to meet local need
- prioritise affordable housing, primarily for local people affected by rising house prices
- create shared community spaces to foster neighbourliness, wellbeing and environmental awareness
- invest in low/zero carbon technologies and building efficiency
- protect and enhance the natural environment through habitat diversity, wildlife corridors and sustainable drainage
- promote the use of car free areas, car sharing initiatives, electric vehicle charging points and cycle infrastructure
- seek opportunities to engage with other community organisations and the wider community for mutual benefit
- employ age-friendly design and management principles
- retain land and property in permanent community ownership through a Community Land Trust (CLT)
- operate as a not-for-profit CLT accountable to its members