Dates for Chorlton Precinct consultation drop ins

PJ Livesey the developers for Chorlton Precinct have written to CCLT to ask us to publicise details of their next round of public consultation.   You may have already had a newsletter though your door or picked up one locally.  This gives details of the developers’ proposals including consultation drop-in events being held at a vacant unit in the precinct. 

Their website has also been updated with details of the drop ins and how to feed back any comments.

Although CCLT don’t have a formal role in the precinct plans, we wish to continue staying involved to ensure the ideas in the Chorlton Vision are embraced and CCLT plans for the Picture House are taken into account in their precinct plans.

In particular, we have been keen to impress upon the developers, the idea of closing Nicolas Road (at least as a temporary measure) to explore the concept of a new public square at the heart of the district centre and to provide a larger pedestrianised zone that connects the proposed development with the Picture House, library, school and the health centre.

If you agree, it would be helpful to refer to this idea in any individual responses.

Redevelopment of the Precinct

The first round of public engagement has just ended on the redevelopment of the shopping precinct and a follow up is planned for the autumn. The information available at the moment can be found here:

We encouraged our members (if they agreed) to include under the questionnaire’s Other Suggestions the idea of creating a much more connected pedestrianised public space by promoting the idea of creating a new square at the end of Nicolas Road with the two sites developed in tandem.

Work to Secure the Picture House Continues

The CLT Board remain strongly committed to its plans to secure the Picture House (formerly Coop funeral care), and work with a developer to create a food and market hall.  We are keen to save the building as an anchor destination at the heart of our district centre. 

The Board believe that alongside the precinct, the Picture House would give Chorlton a better-connected townscape that encourages more people to spend more time and money locally, as well provide a space for new businesses to trade from, and for other activities with a social value purpose.  

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MMU Ryebank Fields Developer Selection Process: CCLT Feedback Report July 2022

We promised you an update on our involvement in the MMU selection process once a decision had been made on a preferred developer for Ryebank Fields. MMU has recently announced its decision to appoint Step Places and Southway. You can read more about their decision here.

I want to update you with a bit more information on the process and some reflections. In May 2021 we set our general thinking here. The approach involved a sub-group of the CLT Board meeting online with each of the short-listed developers for two hour-long sessions:

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MMU select preferred developers


MMU have announced today that their preferred developers for Ryebank Fields are Step Places/Southway Housing Trust.

Chorlton Community Land Trust’s position on Ryebank Fields is that should development go ahead, we wish to engage proactively with MMU and their selected development partners to ensure an exemplar development which, amongst other features, maximises affordable housing and has high levels of environmental sustainability. 

Last year, through MMU, our Board engaged with the shortlisted developers including Step Places/Southway Housing Trust to challenge them on how far they would comply with the broad range of expectations and aspirations that we developed with members. We will be providing a further update to our members on our involvement in this process.

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The Picture House is still Stayin’ Alive

In March, we learnt that the Co-op had agreed an outline deal with Southway Housing to acquire the Picture House site. Since then, the CLT has been talking to Southway to make the case for our vision to revitalise the Chorlton High Street by retaining the Picture House building for commercial use with a community stake in its future. Southway is an established social housing provider with many properties in South Manchester and a commitment to its future.

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Communities in Control event at Stretford Public Hall  Weds 6 July 10-1.00pm

We have teamed up with Greater Manchester Community Led Homes to host an event to celebrate community ownership which secures the future of community assets, creates homes that people can afford, and regenerates our high streets. Find out about practical guidance, sources of support and opportunities to meet others working towards similar goals.

We will have a stall at the event that promotes our ongoing work to secure the Picture House.  We also be sharing our work on the Chorlton Vision. 

Its free to attend. Please book on

The Vision has gone public

Over the last few months, the CLT has been busy working on the Chorlton Vision, with local traders, Chorlton Voice, councillors and others. We have published our Initial Vision which sets out a series of priorities for public realm, the environment, movement, property and identity. Our plans for the Picture House would make a major contribution to realising the Vision.

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Picture House: Disappointing News, But Resolve To Work Together

The news has just come out that the Co-op has sold the Funeral Care/ Picture House site to Southway Housing Trust. The Co-op has decided to reject our long-standing offer which would have seen the community retain the main building.

Sketch of what Picture House might look like with a big green wall and funky mural

The story is set out in Place North West | Future of Chorlton Picture House up in the air following sale. We are extremely disappointed about what has happened, and we are concerned that the building’s potential to create a more vibrant district centre may be at risk of being lost.

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Picture House Imminent Update?

A lot of people have been asking us for news on the Picture House project. We just wanted to say to everyone that we are still working on it and there are some recent developments that we are currently exploring. When we have got a clearer picture of where things stand and the way ahead, we will provide everyone with a fuller update. We expect this will happen in the next few weeks. Thank you for your continuing interest in this important project and please bear with us.